Chanel necklace - Original Coco Chanel
What did and does Chanel fashion so coveted? Coco Chanel understood women like no other. Chanel gives every woman beauty and elegance in an incomparable way. It doesn't have to be Chanel Vintage from head to toe. A beautiful Chanel chain, a Chanel bag, a Chanel belt, that sets the tone. Each vintage Chanel necklace is a work of art in itself. Feminine luxury, inimitable style, the Chanel chain has it all. Pearls dominate vintage Chanel jewelry alongside gold, silver and beautiful color accents. With a Chanel chain, everything is just right. The Chanel necklace can be worn with an elegant costume or trouser suit or with a party dress. What a Chanel chain can't take is the combination with too much color and glitter. Less is more if you want to make a Chanel chain an eye-catcher. PRELUV loves vintage and shows you gems of the original Chanel chain. A Chanel chain is worth every €, but here you can save second hand on the chain with the Chanel logo. Second hand can often save several € 100 for Chanel chains. There is still something left for the Vintage Chanel Bag or a Chanel Belt.